Friday, May 17, 2019

Albert Heijn-History

Albert Heijn 1602 (Barneveld) History Context Albert Heijn is a big supermarket chain which emerged from a small grocery lineage that once stood in Oostzaan. The 21-years old Albert Heijn took over the store from his father in 1887. The young Albert Heijn quickly began to prosper the store towards other places. Albert likewise started to sell his self-made cookies and self-burned coffee (Albert Heijn, 2013). Now Albert Heijn is one of the largest supermarket chain in the Netherlands. Quality and customers are of great importance within the formula of Albert Heijn.For this cause all subsidiaries take over to have the same style. In the small village of Barneveld on that point is also an Albert Heijn. This Albert Heijn was managed by Mr G. Aartsen for much than 15 years. Albert Heijn Barneveld did non experience quite a lot of varietys. The only change overs where changes of assortment and a small expansion of the shop. offset The management of Albert Heijn demands that ever y supermarket manager is managing for a maximum period of 4 years. This is due the fact that a manager could turn into a friend when staying too long on the same position.Another reason is the acclivitous of business blindness. To prevent this from happening, all managers (except for the franchise shops) have to switch places once in a while. For voice the manager of Utrecht goes to Amsterdam after 4 years, the manager of Amsterdam goes to Groningen and so on. Philosophy The manager of Albert Heijn Barneveld was comparable a father to all the personnel. Mr Aartsen was often called papa Aartsen (daddy Aartsen). Mr Aartsen was not just the manager who commands the personnel.He was a sorting guy who often smoked in his office (while this was not allowed), he just had his own rules and it worked. When there was a lot of pressure on the personnel he endlessly helped them. For example, during Christmas time he helped stocking the shelves. Mr Aartsen also had a good relationship with the customers. Change idea Diagnosis Albert Heijn Barneveld had the same manager for 18 years. For this reason the provide decided to make some changes. Mr G. Aartsen had to go. This was a big shock for the regular customers and the personnel. Change of strategyThe change of strategy was decided, there were no discussions possible. Mr Aartsen protested towards the headquarters, but their decision was final. Albert Heijn had accepted the fact that Mr Aartsen was the manager for a thirster period than 4 years for a long time. However it was time for change. The headquarters wants all the shops to be the same, as well in layout as in the way of managing. Intervention syllabus The headquarters of Albert Heijn did not historically had an intervention plan. They made up the rules and were the boss of Albert Heijn, so Barneveld had to listen.Albert Heijn did replace Mr Aartsen, however, the headquarters were much more open about where Mr Aartsen should manage after Barneveld. This deci sion was made to start upher with Mr Aartsen. The other intervention plan that the headquarters had, was the implementation of two managers in Barneveld. This way Barneveld was managed better and with good efforts. Sadly enough, things were not any(prenominal) more than they were. Interventions 1 With the help of the two new(a) managers the intention was trying to introduce a new way of thinking.However this did not work quite well. After a few weeks the headquarters decided that Barneveld had to do it with one manager again. This time the dissatisfaction was even bigger. Interventions 2 When it turned out that Barneveld did not run as well anymore as it did, the headquarters tried to bring old personnel back. An old champion manager came back from another subsidiary. This happened to work out. The headquarters decided that Barneveld had to steer itself again. The next step was grownup personnel promotions.This way, people who worked for Mr Aartsen were able to get more influenc e and help each other to get over the situation. Results of change process The change process for Mr Aartsen has led to overwrought, unfortunately the changes were too big for him. For Barneveld the changes were demonstrable as well as prohibit (see table 1). Positive changes Negative changes Albert Heijn made Barneveld a real Albert Heijn. Barneveld had struggled with the changing process, however now Barneveld was now a real Albert Heijn like all the other subsidiaries. Albert Heijn Barneveld always was a neighbourhood supermarket, now it was one of those mass city supermarkets. The changes caused the dissatisfaction of the most customers. Table 1, Positive and negative changes Albert Heijn Barneveld Conclusion Albert Heijn headquarters did not much effort steering the change process. Due to the lack of comprehending, the change process took a lot of time. At the end, Albert Heijn headquarters succeeded in making Barneveld a real Albert Heijn. However, the headquarters did not research whether the customers wanted this change or not.

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