Sunday, November 3, 2019

Project team for a fictitious technology-intensive company in the year Assignment

Project team for a fictitious technology-intensive company in the year 2011 - Assignment Example (Solomon, et al., 1993). This manager’s guide contains a repeatable, institution-wide approach for the management of project teams involve in the development of software and hardware deployment projects. The practices contained here in practices are transferable to other types of projects that would benefit from project management. It provide ordered sections presenting the basic steps for formation, management and evaluation of project teams across the organisation. This guide has been developed specifically for the management of Information Technology projects. The processes with are operational do not need to follow these guidelines. The projects which qualify to use this guide should have the following characteristics: it is an independent project; lasts longer than a few person hours; requires a multidisciplinary approach; it is not task oriented; involves less than five specialists; it is meant to accomplish a complex project; may require change management process; level of risk is high in term s of financial and operational, among others (Ahmed, 2007). All the projects in the company have to be approved by the Chief Executive Officer through a justified Project Document. Depending on the type of project, the project document should clearly indicate the title of the project; aims of the project; outcomes of the project; team composition; resource plan; methodology of the project; workplan; project cost and evaluation strategy This section provides basic guidelines on the formation of IT projects .The following guidelines should be followed in forming project teams for developing software and hardware. The first stage of forming the project team is acquiring the project team. The members can be selected internally or externally as consultants. The members must be selected based on list of required skills and criteria as demanded by

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